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Breast Enhancement Procedures Conveniently located to serve Fairhope and Mobile, Alabama

What is Breast Enhancement?

Breast Enhancement procedures can be performed to correct uneven breasts, enhance their size and/or shape, reduce breast size to lessen strain on the back, or restore the breasts’ previous appearance after a mastectomy. The right breast cosmetic surgery procedure for you will depend on your needs. Knowing what each procedure entails will give you a better idea of which surgery suits you. There are many different types of breast cosmetic surgery you can choose from depending on your needs and goals. These include breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift, and breast reconstruction. If you want to enlarge, reduce, lift, or restore the appearance of your breasts, it’s time to consider Breast Enhancement in Mobile.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation involves placing breast implants to enhance the breasts’ size and projection. Either silicone or saline implants can be used, and implants vary in size, shape, texture, and profile. The surgery usually lasts an hour or two. After incisions are made, pockets are created in the chest tissue to house the implants.

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Breast Lift

A breast lift reduces sagging and restores perkiness to the breasts. It can also address shape asymmetries. This surgery can be performed with the lollipop, donut, or anchor incision patterns, depending on the degree of sagging. The anchor suits heavily drooping large breasts, the lollipop is for moderate sagging, and the donut is for minor to moderate sagging.

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Breast Reduction

This procedure is performed to reduce breast size, addressing a number of cosmetic and functional issues. It can lessen chronic pain, correct posture issues, and prevent rashes beneath the breasts. During a breast reduction, excess fatty tissue is removed using liposuction, and glandular breast tissue and skin tissue are excised using a scalpel. The nipples and areolae are repositioned and resized to fit the smaller breasts.

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Congenital Breast Reconstruction

Congenital Breast Reconstruction treats breast defects due to congenital conditions, such as breast asymmetry. It may involve breast reduction for one breast and an implant for the smaller breast. Breast implants, fat grafting, and tissue expanders might be necessary in cases with chest or skeletal wall abnormalities.

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Gynecomastia is the condition of having oversized male breasts. Gynecomastia surgery, also called male breast reduction, effectively reduces male breast size to restore masculine chest contours. It may involve liposuction to remove the excess fatty tissue or excision to remove excess skin or glandular tissue. The nipple is then repositioned.

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Breast Augmentation with Lift

Feeling dissatisfied with your breasts can affect more than just how you look— Many women experience changes in their breasts due to life events such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, or aging, leading to concerns like loss of volume, sagging skin, or asymmetry.

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Breast Implant Revision

Breast implants may not a one-and-done decision—and that's okay! Over time, your body, aesthetic preferences, or even the implants themselves may change, making breast implant revision surgery the right choice. Maybe your implant size no longer feels right, or your implants have shifted after pregnancy.

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Your Breast Enhancement Consultation

During the consultation, you and Dr. Park or Dr. Rebowe will discuss your Breast Enhancement needs, ideal cup size, and preferences that might affect the procedure, such as choosing between saline and silicone implants.

They will ask about your medical history, including previous medical treatments, medication allergies, current vitamins and supplements, and history of drug, alcohol, and tobacco use. They will also assess your health, check for potential risk factors, and examine your breasts, particularly their shape, size, positions of the areolae and nipples, and skin quality. They will take photos for documentation, lay out your options, and recommend the best Breast Enhancement procedure for you. Use this time to ask questions and bring up any concerns.

Recovering After A Breast Enhancement Procedure

After a Breast Enhancement Mobile patients' incisions will be covered in bandages or dressings, which will be taken off after a few days. It helps to use a cold compress on the affected area as directed to reduce the bruising and swelling, which may last several weeks. You should refrain from wearing tight bras or ones with underwire to help the breasts recover.

In the case of breast implants, you should start massaging your breasts a week or two after the surgery to help soften the tissues. This also helps the implants settle into their intended positions properly. You should avoid taking part in activities with a lot of physical exertion, such as sports and exercise, for several weeks to facilitate your recovery.

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How Much Does Breast Cosmetic Surgery Cost?

The cost of Breast Enhancement depends on the type of procedure that you will need. Cost may be affected by the price of the anesthesia, facility fees, medications, and other expenses. We partner with CareCredit to offer financing options that fit your financial needs.

Mobile Breast Enhancement model wearing black

Schedule Your Consultation

Do you need Breast Enhancement? Park & Rebowe Clinic for Plastic Surgery can help. Our surgeons have years of experience and regularly perform the latest procedures and techniques. Contact us today for a consultation about your Breast Enhancement surgery in Mobile.

Dr. Rebowe is Amazing! I enjoyed speaking with Dr. Rebowe. He was very thorough and answered all my questions. Everyone was very nice.

— Mobile Plastic Surgery Patient

Get the care you need without the wait. CareCredit offers low and zero percent financing options for qualified patients, so you can receive the treatment that works for you on your terms.

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Led by our experienced and board-certified plastic surgeons, The Park & Rebowe Clinic for Plastic Surgery brings an artful touch to your Mobile & Fairhope plastic surgery experience, ensuring you achieve your desired transformation. Schedule your consultation today and discover for yourself why The Park & Rebowe Clinic is better by design.