(251) 340-6600 Appointment

Breast Reduction Clinic Conveniently Located to Serve Fairhope and Mobile, Alabama

Navigating Breast Reduction Expectations

Mobile Breast Reduction Clinic at The Park & Rebowe Clinic for Plastic Surgery //

Hello! My name is Lindsey Beville, PA-C, and I have been a board-certified Physician Assistant for the past 20 years. I have now worked at Park & Rebowe Clinic for Plastic Surgery for eight years. I am sure many of you are curious about the steps and process for a Breast Reduction consultation and surgery. You may also be anxious about even making the first step to call for a consultation. Allow me to explain what to expect at our Mobile Breast Reduction Clinic, and during your consultation we will try to answer some of the questions you might have to calm your jitters!

Your Surgical Path to Comfort

Your Breast Reduction Consult //

When you make an appointment for a Breast Reduction consultation, you will be making an appointment to see me first.

I will become your personal guide through all curves of the road ahead of you-consultation, examination, insurance approval, pre-op, surgery, recovery, and post-op appointments. Over the years, I have become an expert in consultations at our Breast Reduction Clinic in Mobile, and I take pride and joy in discussing this surgery, examining you, and helping you to feel comfortable about the possibility of a procedure that will change your life!

A New Beginning: Understanding Breast Reduction

What to Expect //

At your first consultation appointment, we will discuss the surgical procedure in great detail. Have all of your questions ready because I will be prepared to answer them! Photos will be taken of you for insurance purposes only. I will examine you and take many measurements that are necessary to submit to your insurance company in order to obtain insurance approval.

After the physical examination, I will discuss in more detail about your current size, what size you would like to be ideally, and how much I feel can be removed safely while leaving you cosmetically beautiful. Certain plans allow us to submit your measurements online, and you may know within minutes whether you have been approved, allowing us to schedule your surgery and pre-op appointment with one of our plastic surgeons before you leave your appointment!

Insurance & Requirements

Some insurance companies require us to mail a letter with your measurements and pictures. If we have to mail a letter, it can take four to six weeks to get an answer from your insurance company. Once you have heard that you have been approved, you can then call our office to schedule your surgery and pre-op appointment. We do require a current mammogram within one year as well as a BMI <40 and preferably <35.

Breast Reduction Clinic  Mobile
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Steps to Transformation

Your Breast Reduction Procedure //

Surgical Preparation

Your pre-op appointment will be with one of our renowned surgeons, Dr. Christopher Park or Dr. Ryan Rebowe. During this appointment, you will be examined once again by the surgeon performing your surgery, and they will welcome any questions you have before your big day. Consent for surgery will also be signed by you on this day, and you will receive any medications you will need post-op. At this appointment, we will ensure you are ready for your surgical procedure.

Surgical Facility

Your surgery can be scheduled at any of the facilities where we operate: Mobile Infirmary Medical Center, Springhill Hospital, Gulf Coast Surgical Center, Providence Hospital, USA Children’s and Women’s, Thomas Hospital, or TMC.  remove the highlighted Usually, the facility is dictated by the day of surgery you desire and with whom your surgery is scheduled. The actual surgery usually takes around two and a half to three hours. All of the facilities offer impeccable care, and we will be there to help comfort and relieve your anxiety. 

Your Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is an outpatient procedure, which means you can be discharged with your loved ones on the same day. Spending the night in the hospital is a possibility if one of us feels it is necessary. This procedure eliminates excess tissue and restores the nipple/areola to its natural size and position. This leads to breasts that are not only more aesthetically pleasing but also more comfortable and proportionate.

Additional Reading

Large, heavy breasts can cause various issues, such as neck and back pain, bra strap grooving, nerve compression in the upper extremities, as well as rashes or yeast infections. These challenges can be especially burdensome for younger women and teenagers. Those experiencing such difficulties could be potential candidates for breast reduction.

Excessively large breasts, often termed macromastia, can result from heightened sensitivity to estrogen, genetic factors, weight gain, or endocrine disorders. Teenagers may develop macromastia due to hormonal changes, known as virginal hypertrophy. In these cases, observation is recommended, as the condition may improve over time. However, if it significantly impacts one's well-being, a reduction mammoplasty can be a valuable solution.

Preoperative Considerations

Surgical Nutrition and Supplement Guide

Breast Reduction Clinic  Mobile

Healing and Happiness

Recovery & Results //

You will be sent home from our Breast Reduction Clinic in a bra or breast binder, so you do not need to purchase many bras before your surgery. If you want to have an extra breast garment at home for after your surgery, we recommend a soft, non-wired bra and one that fastens in the front.

You also may have a drain placed during surgery to remove any excess fluid during your post-op time. It will be important for you to record the drainage output and bring that record with you for your one-week post-op appointment. The medical facility will give you a drain log and post-op instructions. Feel free to call our office if you have any questions, though. We are always happy to answer your questions. I will see you back at our office approximately one-week post-op. I will remove your steri-strips and your drain if you have one at this time. Don’t worry; it doesn’t hurt to remove your drain!

Additional Reading

Dressings will be reapplied, and we will discuss your activity limitations and what to expect for the weeks ahead. Recovery time for a breast reduction is usually around two weeks off of work and four to six weeks until you are back to exercising and resume normal activities. We like to see you one week, one month, three months, and one year post-op to examine your results, answer questions, and hear about your fantastic results. We never hear complaints about this surgery, and our patients always have smiles on their faces because their lives have been forever changed!

Post Surgery Scar Treatment

A common concern among those pursuing plastic surgery is the appearance of post-surgical scarring. It is important to note that many elements of scarring are genetic, and there are some people predisposed to forming widened or thickened scars. However, there are known interventions that if followed can significantly reduce the size and visibility of the post-surgical scar.

By choosing PR Plastic Surgery for your procedure, you have already taken the first step by choosing board-certified plastic surgeons who are meticulous in their technique and wound closure. Thankfully, our patients also have the resources of the PR MedSpa and the expertise of our aestheticians to ensure the most favorable surgical outcomes.

For optimal scar treatment and healing, both Drs. Park and Rebowe, and our aestheticians highly recommend two therapies available through our MedSpa. Once cleared by your surgeon, our MedSpa staff will assist you in transitioning to these therapies.

  1. Silagen Silicone Treatment
  2. Laser Scar Therapy

Silagen Silicone Treatment

Works as a protective barrier that seals in hydration and limits excess collagen production, the root cause of abnormal and raised scars. This treatment is offered in the form of either silicone scar cream or silicone sheeting. The silicone cream will have additional benefits to scar reduction, including moisturizer and sunscreen. The cream dries to form a medical-grade silicone barrier that is flexible and lightweight. The silicone sheets have the additional benefit of added pressure to the scar. We recommend that the silicone cream be applied twice daily, and the silicone sheets are worn daily for up to 24 hours. Silagen Silicone Treatment is usually recommended for a minimum of 2-4 weeks following suture removal, or per physician recommendation. Some patients may utilize Silagen silicone up to one year post surgery for optimal results.

The Laser Scar Therapy

Consists of two powerful devices that can reduce scars and scar tissue, the Vbeam Perfecta and the Erbium laser.

The Vbeam Perfecta Laser reduces the appearance of scars by decreasing the erythematous, or red pigment. Inflamed scar tissue has more active blood cells than normal skin and the wavelength of this device targets the red pigment specifically, reducing the inflammation and therefore scarring. Clinical studies show that 100% of scars treated with Vbeam Perfecta Laser show visible improvement.

After the Vbeam, we use the Erbium Laser to blend the transition to native skin and compliment the results. By heating the subcutaneous tissue, the laser stimulates the production of new collagen, resulting in tightened and rejuvenated skin around the scar. Not only will the scar itself fade and diminish, but the edges of the scar will more effectively blend into the surrounding skin. Laser scar therapy has proven to speed up the recovery process post-surgery.

Your surgeon and our aestheticians at the PR MedSpa will assist you in choosing the correct post-surgery scar treatment pathway for you following your surgery.


Patients always ask what complications we see from breast reduction surgery. While this is considered a major surgery, there are few complications we typically see after surgery. There are always risks associated with surgery and general anesthesia, but we treat you as one of our own family members and aim to keep you as safe as possible throughout your surgery. Sometimes, a patient may get a small “T” wound where we pull all three skin edges together at the base of the breast.

Additional Reading

Most of the time, local wound care, including antibiotic ointment or wet-to-dry dressings, will heal this area up within one to two weeks. You may experience irritation from the steri-strips, a change in sensitivity to the nipples (usually slightly more sensitive), or even discoloration of the skin, especially the areolas in African American patients. These complications are rare, but we do see them from time to time. We are here for you if you experience any of these complications, and we will do all we can to get you completely healed as quickly as possible.

Other Cosmetic Procedures

Many patients also ask about adding other cosmetic procedures at the same time as their breast reduction surgery. It is very common for us to perform other surgical procedures at the time of a breast reduction. Other standard procedures include liposuction, abdominoplasty, and body contouring. We would love to discuss these other add-on surgeries with you!

Empowerment in Progress

Schedule Your Consultation Today! //

I hope that I have been able to answer some of your questions and calm your fears regarding breast reduction surgery. I can honestly say that this is one of my favorite surgeries because the results are immediate, and I get to see how much this can change a patient’s life. I look forward to meeting you in person and guiding you throughout your journey! To learn more about our Breast Reduction Clinic Mobile patients should call us at (251) 340-6600.

“The best decisions I have ever made

This was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The results have improved my whole body image and have even enhanced my marriage. The size and shape is exactly what I’d hoped for.”

— Mobile Plastic Surgery Patient

Get the care you need without the wait. CareCredit offers low and zero percent financing options for qualified patients, so you can receive the treatment that works for you on your terms.

Schedule Your Mobile & Fairhope Plastic Surgery Consultation  //

Led by our experienced and board-certified plastic surgeons, The Park & Rebowe Clinic for Plastic Surgery brings an artful touch to your Mobile & Fairhope plastic surgery experience, ensuring you achieve your desired transformation. Schedule your consultation today and discover for yourself why The Park & Rebowe Clinic is better by design.

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